I. This is a place of love and compassion for you to love your waifu/husbando, cooperation between serious lovers of fictional characters, and a place to explore waifuism and fictosexuality/fictoromancism.
II. This group consists of only the people that love their wives/husbands. Stick to loving your wife/husband instead of creating drama.
III. Be respectful to other members and their significant others. This includes being unnecessarily hostile to members in the server. We are trying to keep harmony here and not start more drama. No lewding or harassing other members and their Wives/Husbands within the group. Do not send NSFW material of a member's fictional significant other (or publically display such things) unless you're given explicit permission to do so. Just don't do it, dude. It's not cool, and nobody ever wins. a. This includes harassing a member over their partner's 1. Fictional age 2. Their partner's physical build 3. Non-human S/Os 4. Original characters
IV. Any conflict within the group should be brought up to the admins/mods to decide on the next best course of action. This does not include civil debates where both parties are mature and level-headed. If both parties cannot resolve the conflict and cannot coexist, one will be removed through a majority vote.
V. Irrelevant Political talk is forbidden if it does not directly relate to your Waifu/Husbando or Waifuism itself. This includes divisive current events involving politicians or names with a political platform such as “influencers”. Identity politics are also not to be discussed in the server. This includes political memes. Political topics and debates cause division within the server and the polarity puts the group culture at risk. If you are caught discussing politics you will be immediately put into isolation and talked to about the rule you have violated but after it, punitive action against you will be at the discretion of the moderators.
VI. You must be active in the chat or group at least once per month; failure to do so will result in removal from the group and chat. Note: You can let an admin know that you will be inactive.
VII. Admins may be voted out if they are inactive, abusing power, or for any other reason deemed worthy enough by a majority vote to have them removed. If a voting consensus is reached to remove the Admin (s) in question, the voters will hold a new vote to replace them.
VIII. Every member has equal power in everything we do as a group. Every member will have a chance to vote on every new member request, potential rule changes, and group activities/direction.
IX. Waifuist communities have a long history of infighting, petty gossiping, and unhealthy interactions, which all served to divide us instead of unifying us. Moe Sanctum seeks to end pointless fighting amongst and create a space for discussion, cooperation, and love for our beloved special fictional other(s). We have enough people outside our communities attempting to invalidate and attack our love for our special F/Os. We must first bring about this change with our own community to bring about change externally. Before interacting with other members or messaging someone from the community, read over the Code of Conduct at least once.
X. Moe Sanctum is a place of trust between its members and the community itself. Do not compromise this trust by taking screenshots of private messages without the other person's permission or taking screenshots of the server under any circumstance. This is also expanded into leaking information which is meant to be private between the individuals and leaking sensitive information from within the server to outside of the server. To make sure the maximum amount of flexibility and reasonability, this will be case by case but consent of all parties involved will be the deciding factor. Failure to do so will result in an immediate ban.
XI. Moe Sanctum has developed a system that filters anyone with possible malicious intent and conflict before it happens. However, this is the internet, so caution must be exercised at all times, even around friends; do not share personal information. (Note: You are allowed to share your nationality and timezone, but anything more personal is shared at the waifuist's discretion)
XII. Comply by Discords rules to avoid getting the server taken down.
XII. By joining, you agree to follow Server Rules and Conditions that come with each role.
XIII. As of 08/02/2021, Moe Sanctum will not allow a screening vote for applicants with F/Os from live-action source material, nor will any members within the server be allowed to have any. Due to the nature of live-action and possible problems it may cause in the future, live-action F/Os will not be allowed within the server.
XIV. As of 08/31/2021, Moe Sanctum will not take in any minors under 18 years of age. Moe Sanctum has always been a mature community. To keep a smooth flow of conversations, allow members to relax around other members without limiting mature subjects, and avoid future problems; no minors will be officially let in.
XV. Only ping within a proper social context; just don't be obnoxious about it, please. This rule applies to spamming mass pings such as "@everyone", "@he/him", etc., but it can also apply to spamming general tags with the intention of trolling or malicious intent. Keep in mind if done within the proper social context where both parties are okay with it, it's allowed.
XVI: Any changes in the relationship with a new member's SO(s) before they get a voter rule should result automatically for a revote
XVII: Voters can have the ability to talk with new applicants in the waiting room once they get the specific role for this. And any personal questions asked that has nothing to do with someone's SO(s) or any harassment/attack initiated on our new applicants by voters who have the role results in the role being taken away from them
I. This is a place of love and compassion for you to love your waifu/husbando and a place to explore waifuism and fictosexuality itself.
Voting is a core mechanic of the server to make sure the server facilitates the members' needs and adapts to new demands...
Members who have received adverse action may request a trial to prove their innocence...
Fictional Significant Other role will be given upon being both accepted and verified...
I. I will treat someone's fictional significant other with the utmost respect.